Friday, November 26, 2010

I dedicate each mile I run to....

It's just not Thanksgiving in Austin without the Turkey Trot.  This year was the 20th year.  Austin is a very healthy type of city and for this I love it.  Usually most turkey Trots in other cities are a 3 mile 5k but not Austin. It has to be five miles.  Running and I broke up for a while but now we are so very happily reunited and so I ran the Turkey Trot for a few reasons.  I needed to know that I could still run like I did before my Pulmonary Embolism.  I truly really love running and I wanted to burn off a large amount of calories prior to Thanksgiving dinner.  I decided that each mile should have a meaning or a dedication of sorts.  So here is what each mile meant to me.

Mile 1-  This was for my recovery in the first two months.  I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded but it was OK because I was still around to get winded.

Mile 2- This mile was dedicated to the next two months.  I realized I was stronger than I ever thought possible and I resumed something that I vowed to finish and I did.

Mile 3- This mile was dedicated to all the people that supported me throughout my recovery.  It was rough and I couldn't of made without the great support that I have had

Mile 4- This mile was dedicated to all of the newly created  goals that I will conquer.  Before Everything happened I would never have aimed as high or dreamed as big as I do now.  Strength will do that to a person

Mile 5- Well this is the most important one.  I ran this mile the fastest and hardest.  I dedicated it to all  the people that didn't get as lucky as I did and did not survive there blood clots.  I owed  it to all those people who countless stories exist.  This is why it was my fastest  and best mile to date.  I am truly blessed.  It was my best Turkey Trot run because I am here and I get to run.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Adventures In Advanced Revelation Fit Boot Camp Day 1

I woke up bright and early today to attend boot camp.  I will be attending on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.  I was so excited even at 6:00 AM in the morning.  I worked out with a group of great  ladies.  I like working out in a group setting.  I find it to be very motivating.  The workout was hard but Coach Michelle the boot camp instructor  made it a lot of fun.  The workout was composed of weights and cardio.  My favorite move of the morning was the "dead bug" exercise for your abs.  I truly felt like a dead bug by that point so the move was funny to me. We lifted some heavy weights but Michelle was great when she got me a smaller weight but not to much smaller.  I took a few weeks off for some much needed rest so now I am working my way back into weight training.  The positive for me is that I must be extremely careful to not hit my head because of the Coumaden that I take so I feel much more safe and comfortable with someone there to instruct me on form.  I can't wait to see how I progress the next few weeks without feeling scared to lift heavy. I have realized that everyone needs a little help sometimes.  I am already sore and I can't wait to do it all over again.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Texas Shredder April 2011 Training Has Begun!!

Yes I am officially announcing that I have started training for The Texas Shredder Bikini Competition.  I was looking for an awesome way to celebrate my one year anniversary of my Pulmonary Embolism.  The Texas Shredder is just a few days shy of that one year anniversary.  I thought about pretending that it never happened but that would make everything I have been through worth nothing.  So I embrace it and I am more strong than before it happened.  It makes me work harder everyday and for that I am eternally grateful.  I was always a sucker for a good before and after story.  Stay tuned for my training updates.